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9 Important Things You Should Know Regarding Kid Facts About Neptune

Neptune is the 8th planet from the Sun. we know that it is last planet in the Solar system. Neptune is the 3rd largest planet in the Solar system and its color is blue color. Neptune was discovered in 1986.  It is the eight nearest planet to the Sun. The planet Neptune is 2795 million miles away from the Sun. This article teaches you the kid facts about Neptune.

Planet Neptune

Neptune Planet Profile

Equatorial Diameter                                       :  49,528 kilometers
Mass                                                                     : 1.02 × 10^26 kg (17 Earths)
Discovered by                                                   : Urbain Le Verrier & Johann Galle
Discovered Date                                               : September/23/1846
Polar Diameter                                                 : 48,682 kilometers        
Rings                                                                     : 5
Orbit Distance                                                   : 4,498,396,441 km (30.10 AU)                                  
Orbit Period                                                       : 60,190 days (164.8 years)
Effective Temperature                                  : -214 degrees Celsius

Here are some important Kid facts about Neptune which you must know.

  1. Coldest Planet: The usual temperature of planet Neptune is -392 degrees, because of this temperature Neptune is called coldest planet in the Solar system.
  2. Atmosphere of Neptune: The atmosphere of Neptune is similar to all large planets. But unlike other gas planets it has larger portion of ice. Neptune’s upper atmosphere is made up of methane gas which gives the planet a bright blue color.
  3. Storms of Neptune: It has some ferocious storms when compared to all other planets in the Solar system. Neptune’s storms are 3 times stronger than those on Jupiter and also its storms are 9 times stronger than the Earth’s storms (read interesting kid facts about Earth). During 1989 period, the Voyager 2 found a large and dark storm spot which was big enough to overwhelm the whole Earth.
  4. Magnetic field of Neptune: The planet Neptune’s magnetic field is about 27 times stronger than the magnetic field of Earth. The dynamo electric currents generated within the planet, therefore it must be relatively closer to the surface than Saturn, Jupiter or Earth.
  5. Neptune is one of the gas Giants: Neptune layers consists of 80 percent of hydrogen, 29 percent of helium and traces of methane gas.
  6. Rotation of Neptune: Neptune moves slowly around the Sun. even though it moves slowly around the Sun, but it spin quickly on its axis by making a day on Neptune 18 hours long, which is 6 hours less than Earth takes to rotate.
  7. Rings of Neptune: The rings of the planet Neptune are made up of ice particles which are mixed with dust grains and probably coated with a carbon-based element.
  8. Moons of Neptune: The planet Neptune has 14 moons. Among all the moons Triton is different of planetary mass in that its orbit is retrograde to Neptune's spin and inclined relative to Neptune's equator, which recommends that it did not form in orbit around Neptune but was as a substitute gravitational taken by it.
  9. Probes to Neptune: As of now, the only probe that visited Neptune is Voyager 2 in 1989. This is a similar test that went by Saturn and proceeded for additionally investigations of Uranus and Neptune. It made the nearest way to deal with any planet in the space, making a flyby at a separation of 46=950 km from Neptune. Voyager 2 gave experiences into Neptune's air including Magnetosphere and its 14 moons.


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