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Kid Facts about Earth

We live on our home planet called Earth, which is one among the 8 planets that revolve around the Sun. According to the Astronauts photography, it looks like a ball painted with a blue, green & white. This article explains all the kid facts about Earth you shouldn’t miss.

It is very important to teach your kid facts about Earth because we live on the planet Earth. Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun and largest of the terrestrial. Earth is the fifth largest planet in terms of size and mass, it is densest (5,513 kg/m of all the planets. It is a planet which is not named by after mythological being, its name is derived from the old English word “ertha” and the Anglo-Saxon word “erda” which means soil or ground.

The Universe is an infinite space, there are over millions of galaxies in the universe and the Galaxy is a system which consists of gas, dust, and stars that are held together by the force of gravity.
The Solar system consists of total 8 planets and a Sun. Where the sun is in the center of the solar system and other 8 planets revolves around it. These 8 planets revolve within their particular orbits without colliding with each other. In the order of distance from the sun here are the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto was the ninth planet of our solar system until the International Astronomical Union (IAU) passed two resolutions that revoked Pluto’s planetary status.

Important kid facts about earth

The rotation of the Earth is slowing down:

The rotation of the earth has been gradually decreased, approximately 17 milliseconds per 100 years. This eventually will lengthen our days. But it takes around 140 million years before our day will have increased from 24 to 25 hours.
Powerful magnetic field:

Earth has powerful magnetic field which protects from the effects of solar winds and it is believed to be a result of the nickel-iron core of the planet combined with its rapid rotation.
The Earth has an Ozone Layer:

Earth has Ozone layer which protects from harmful solar radiations. This Ozone layer shell is a special type of oxygen that absorbs most of the Sun’s powerful UV rays.

Most of the Earth’s surface is covered by water:

70% of the earth’s surface is covered by the water, the remainder consists of continents and islands which together have many lakes and other sources of water.

The atmosphere of the earth consists of several layers of gases which is generally called as air, that surrounds the planet Earth and retained by Earth’s gravity.
Earth’s atmosphere is the thickest within the first 50km from the surface or so, but it reaches out to 10,000 km into space. Earth is made up of five layers, they are Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and the Exosphere.

Oceans of Earth:  
Earth is called blue planet because 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Most of that water (97.2%) is in the oceans. The composition of ocean water is unique to its depth and location. Just as Earth’s interior is divided into layers, the ocean separated into different layers, called the water column.

Orbital Characteristics:

The earth consists of several orbital characteristics but to named few they are as follows:
Aphelion, Perihelion, Eccentricity and orbital period.

Characteristics- The total distance is 152100000 km whereas, Perihelion is 147095000 km and Eccentricity is 0.0167086. 

The Orbital period is often calculated either in terms of days and years. It is exactly 365.256363004 days which sums as 1.00001742096 year

No of continents on Earth: There are total 7 continents on the earth and entire world is divided in those 7 continents. The temperature and biosphere is different for all the continents. The Seven continents of Earth are as follows:
  • North America
  •  South America
  • Antarctica
  •  Europe
  • Africa
  •  Asia
  • Australia
Also check out the article "kid facts about Uranus" for more fun and interesting facts.


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