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14 Important Facts Of Venus For Kids - 2018

Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun in the Solar system, so it is always near to the Sun in the sky. The planet Venus is 5% slight smaller than Earth. Apart from the moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. It appears as a brilliant star in morning or evening. So, it is named as morning and evening star. The planet Venus is so much bright because of it is covered by clouds which replicates much of the inbound sunlight. The yellowish clouds are made of Sulphur acid.
Sometimes Venus is called twin of Earth, this is because of its size and surface, its surface is known as the stormy desert. The planet Venus size is like Earth and it is made up of the same rocky materials. Venus also comes nearer to our home planet than any other planet in the Solar system. This article teaches you the facts of Venus for kids.

Planet Venus

Important Facts of Venus for Kids

1.    Venus is 108 million kilometers far away from the Sun.
2.    The atmosphere of the Venus is poisonous. Because it has yellow clouds which contain sulphuric acid and toxic gases which would burn our skin.
3.   The atmosphere of the Venus is extremely hot it is because the surface of the Venus is made up of metals and rocks which are together known as inner planets.
4.    Planet Venus doesn’t have any moons and satellites.
5.   Venus looks bright during the night it is because of the cloudy atmosphere which reflects a lot of sunlight back into the space.
6.   Among all the mountains in Venus, the Maxwell Montes is highest which measures 11 kilometers high and 700 kilometers wide.
7.  Venus over takes about 220 Earth days to rotate around the Sun with an average speed of 126,077 kilometers per hour.
8.   The planet Venus spins reverse direction that is opposite direction to Earth and most other planets.
9.   In 1975 the Soviet Union sent two spacecraft landers to Venus, they are Venera 9 and Venera 10. These landers were sent to Venus for the first time. They reached Venus’s surface and sent back pictures of Venus planet to Earth.
10. Venus atmosphere is full of carbon dioxide. So, there is no chance for human beings to lead a life.
11. The gravitational power of Venus is like the gravity of Earth. The planet Venus’s gravity is over 91% of the surface gravity on Earth. So, if your weight is 100 pounds on Earth then your weight would be 91 pounds on Venus planet.
12. Its surface has been mapped by radar. According to that map, it shows there are thousands of impact craters and volcanoes, its known as the home of volcanoes. It has two upland areas, with a mountain range taller than Mt. Everest
13. Its tallest volcano is named for the Egyptian goddess of truth and justice.
14. The information which we know about Venus planet is gathered from data identified by space robots Venera, Pioneer, and Mariner.

Also check out the article "Kid Facts About Earth" for more fun and interesting facts.


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